Feature #965
Checkout leases from a vnet
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 11/04/2011 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | Release 3.2 - Beta1 | |||
Resolution: | fixed | Pull request: |
I'd like to be able to checkin and checkout individual leases from a vnet without having to submit a vm.
The use case is elastic IP ala EC2. I have a limited set of public IPs, by default all VMs will start on a private network.
I want to be able to manage my public IPs as a vnet without having to add/remove and keep track of them outside of opennebula.
something like:
onevnet checkout -> returns an IP and marks the IP as used in the vnet
onevnet checkin IP -> release the lock on the lease in the vnet
-sebastien goasguen
Associated revisions
Feature #965: New one.vn.hold and one.vn.release methods to mark IPs as used, without an associated VM. Includes Ruby OCA and CLI
Updated by Carlos Martín over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to Release 3.2 - Beta1
- Resolution set to fixed
This has been implemented for both ranged and fixed vnets as 'onevnet hold/release <IP>'.
The output of the 'onevnet show' command and the Sunstone tab now separate leases on hold, used and free.