Feature #29
Amazon EC2 drivers
Status: | Closed | Start date: | ||
Priority: | High | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | lgonzalez - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | Drivers - Auth | |||
Target version: | Release 1.0 | |||
Resolution: | fixed | Pull request: |
Development of drivers to submit VMs to the Amazon cloud. Given the nature of the EC2 infrastructure some simplifications need to be made.
- Limited monitoring capabilities of VMs, as there is no direct access to the hypervisor layer
- Some VM actions can not be performed like snapshoting, restoring or migrating a VM.
- Limited monitoring capabilities of the infrastructure
The EC2 related attributes are specified as a vector attribute in the VM template, for example :
EC2 = [ AMI="ami-2bb65342", IP=, type = m1.small ]
#1 Updated by Ruben S. Montero almost 13 years ago
Changeset r62 is the initial commit of the EC2 drivers, and associated configuration files. To close this ticket we need:
- Include sample configurations in oned.conf for the drivers
- Include custom monitor info in the VM template (replacing the old one)
- Add an authorize attribute for the VM, in case we need to open other ports than 22 (requires EC2Driver.cc, vmm_ec2.conf, one_vmm_ec2.rb updates)
#2 Updated by Ruben S. Montero almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed
Change-sets r64 (conf files and authorized ports) and r65 (adds info from POLLS to the template) implements the missing items.